Name: Danny
Nicks: Fresh!, dvp, Druipert
Age: 20
Connection: ADSL
PC Specs: Big towert, small tft screen
Favorite Weapon: The rippert, cause I always tend to switch to it in close combat, but never use it :X
Favorite Map: You name it, he plays it _O_
This is dvp in his
bedroom behind the Wheels of SteelzZ.
You see a picture of his homeboi wolverine hanging on the wall. He claims the white spots are yoghurt stains... Yeah right boi.
Here we have a picture of Teh Druip in action on mojo][. Horny as he is on the amp he tried to get it with an ultra1337 jump...
only he slipped out on the wooden bar, resulting is this ridiculous picture of him dancing in the lava... What a shame.