This is ofcourse a very important part of our site, this is the area where we can show our real skills... :D At least what we think are skills, most of the time our golden-rule is applied: luck > skill :D
The WEK-clan would also like to say to all of you out there: WEK is a FUN-CLAN, ofcourse we hope to win all of the matches that we play, but the important thing is that we have a good time and a good laugh...
Something extraordinairy has happend my fraggin' friends. [WEK]^Kuijlic has surprissed us all with this screen! Damned.. I'm sensing that my possition in the basic-team is in danger! :P ;)
Screens are all OLD!!! Update soon! :D
Who's better [Byb]? Check the screen in [ByB]'s own server !!
One of our latest screens, Eddie behind because of his injury :D
Tjillert's best one ever, look at his fph
A '1-2 victory' always nice :D
The first one-on-one we ever played, suicide-madness.. :P
Eddie ownes the entire 13th-clan.. :D
Nice Matrix-style by Tjillert.. :P
A nice full Dutchnet server :)
2-on-2 very good game by both teams
A lot of work these screenshots.. More to come later :P
This is only a small selection of our screens, and if you want some screenshots of you posted where you win a good match or with a redeemert commin' right at ya, mail 'm here and we'll post 'm under the 'friends of the clan' part of this site